Opening Soon

Construction is complete and we are busy getting our hospital ready to officially open very soon. This week we received our final inspection, occupancy permit and business license. The hospital has been bustling all week as we’ve had our staff setting up everything from the phone system and practice software, building furniture, to ordering hospital supplies and figuring out where to put everything! We have also had a ton of technicians coming in to set up our equipment including our whole body and dental x ray systems, dental, anesthetic, and in-house lab machines, and so much more. Our last hurdle is to be inspected and approved by our veterinary governing body. We are in the final stretch and hopefully this last hurdle will not take more than 2 weeks. Once we receive our approval, we will be able to see appointments the very next day. We can’t wait to welcome you and your pet through our doors!


We are having an Open House!


Introducing us